Solange goes HAM on Jay Z in the lift!!!

Shout out to for the full length edit of the Solange-JayZ-fight-in-the-lift video!

As we can see from this clearer footage, Solange is FAR from happy with Jay and whilst Beyonce stands meekly beside her hubby, questions start to fly around the ole noggin…

The main one being; WHAT THE FAAAAARK?

What did Jay Z do?

I’ve gotta admit, Beyonce has that fake smile down to a bloody art form though.

Check out the way she maintains a poker face all the way to the car then turns on the 100 watt smile like someone hit a light switch as she enters the car.
Solange on the other hand… PISSED is an understatement!


beyonce fake smile

So again, I ask… what’s going on here?

I’m so curious to know.

Let’s see just how good their people are at damage control now *wink*


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